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Error While importing job from 7.0.39 to 7.5.1.A

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 11:53 am
by OAC

We have a job which is working perfectly in the version 7.0.39, while importing the job into new version 7.5.1.A we received the following error. Appreciate the help to resolve the problem.

Error Message received while importing the job:-

Problems encountered upgrading job JpmClsfnIntIndustryHierScheme:-
Upgrading job 'JpmClsfnIntIndustryHierScheme'
Error converting job 'JpmClsfnIntIndustryHierScheme'
Warning: Linked Output not found: Stage V0S12 (JpmClsfnIntIndustryHierScheme.TRN_INSERT) Input V0S12P5 (JpmClsfnIntIndustryHierScheme.TRN_INSERT.LKP_IND_SCHEME_ID)
Job 'JpmClsfnIntIndustryHierScheme left at version 36

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 12:07 pm
by Sainath.Srinivasan
Locate the stage called 'TRN_INSERT' in the job JpmClsfnIntIndustryHierScheme and verify whether you have the plugin in your new installed version.