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Environment variables

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 8:08 am
by reddy
Hi Guys,

Good morning.

I have a question on environment variables.

I have created datasource as string in client admin and used as #$datasource# in odbc stage everything works fine but i created passwd
as encrypted and i try to use in odbc stage as #$passwd# i am getting problem.

please advice me how to use it in a stage ...

DS Version is 7.5 on windows.

Thanks for help


Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 10:55 am
by paddu

where did u create the parameters ? In userdefined in Admin?

if so i think u can access that in ur job by going to
job properties ->parameters->add envirnoment variables->userdefined
then select the parameters u created .

Hope this helps u
if the envirnoment variable which u created is not working then check whether u created properly or not.

good luck