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Checking FK From source and Hash

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 3:07 am
by snassimr
Hi ! I am very new in Datastage and I am wondering how can I to perform the following mission :

I want to read rows from source that include ID of row
Check if the ID exists in Hash and create two files
- one with OK ROWS from source
- one for rows from source for them the check was failed

Help me please . Which stages I need and what must be the Input and Output Pages

Thanks in advance

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 3:26 am
by ArndW

this is, from your description, a simple task for DataStage. The basic design flow would be <source stage> -> <transform stage> -> <output stage>

The transform would also have a reference lookup stage from the hash file going into it. There are several ways to handle lookup failures, from automated output links & dropped rows to checking values within the transform and using constraints/derivations.

It sounds like what you really require is a good solid foundation in DS through training, or failing that by using the tutorial that ships with the product. DataStage is not the kind of product that you can just jump into without any assistance - and I think a detailed explanation of what you need to enter in the input/output portions for simple files, tables or transforms is a bit beyond the scope of this forum.