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Error -DSD.UVOpen Hash File is already in VOC file..

Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 3:44 am
by dhletl
Hi -

Job Description-
I have a simple job which is reading a sequential file, passing the data to a Xformer and then preparing a Hash file as output.

On running the job I'm receiving the following FATAL error -
DSD.UVOpen "<Hash File Name>" is already in your VOC file as a file definition record.
File name =
File not created.

Appreciate any pointers to what exactly the problem could be and resolution to this?

Thanks in advance,

Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 4:57 am
by ArndW
Hello Nitin,

check your Hash-file stage in your job, specifically your file creation options. You are doing a "create" upon a file that already exists, but you can change your settings to remove the error message - if that is what you wish to do, specifically to set the "delete file before create" check box.

Re: Error -DSD.UVOpen Hash File is already in VOC file..

Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 5:52 am
by rmrama
I got the same error message after physically deleting the hash file folder created by a job. To get the problem solved, I:

1 - logged into Administrator, and issued the statement "select * from VOC where NAME = 'xxxx'"
2 - Based on the result, I then issued the statement "delete from VOC where NAME = 'xxxx' ".

The steps above will help you remove the existence of your hash file within the Datastage VOC file. Some point of note:

1 - The hash files I created were stored in folders and not project. I accidentally deleted the folder holding the DATA.30, OVER.30, etc. After the steps above, I had to delete the corresponding D_XXXX file to completely remove the existence of the hash file before re-running the job.

Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 12:25 pm
by paddu
hello nitin ,

when you are using the hash file for the first time and if u wish to load the hash file then try giving only the directory path and file name .
i have done this before.


Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 8:34 pm
by dhletl
Thanks all.
Esplly Rama solution above helped..