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Output from LIST.READU

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 3:16 am
by ewartpm
Hi Guys

I want to write a batch job that executes the Universe command LIST.READU

(Before/After job routine ExecTCL LIST.READU)

What I need to know is how to read the output from this command. Is it stored in some internal file?


Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 3:30 am
by ArndW
The LIST.READU command output is generated from values found in the system at the time the command is run. The command is actually a UNIX command, so you can also call it straight from UNIX/Windoze as program in `/.dshome`/bin/list_readu.

Now to the contents - they are not all that interesting to those who don't play with the UniVerse engine. What sort of information are you trying to glean from this output? The state of the R/W and table locks as well as internal process IDs are, for the most part, not all that interesting.

The basic command shows
Device.... Inode.... Netnode Userno Lmode Pid Login Id Item-ID.............
which are UNIX physical device, Inode and Netnode numbers for the file/record lock in question, the Userno is DS internal, lmode is the lock mode, pic is the UNIX process id and login id is the username. The Item is the record key under lock.

the LIST.READU EVERY shows even more locking information. If you are really curious the UniVerse documentation does go into detail on this.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 4:04 am
by Precious
In your routine, you could

Call DSExecute("UV", "LIST.READU", Output, SystemReturnCode)

Then write Output to a sequential file.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 5:52 am
by ewartpm
:D Thanks everyone for the replies.

We have a limited number of developer licenses (10) and we want to know who is using them, hence the READU command. We will use the userid mostly I guess.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 6:34 am
by ArndW

that is about the only viable use for "LIST.READU EVERY" that I can think of :D I would use the "EVERY" as you get more detailed information, especially if you have several users utilizing the same login-id and want to find out from which PC they are coming.