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DataStage error

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 7:49 am
by Aravind

Can someone help me in explaining what this following warning stands for

LoadROLine..OcROLine.SLROLineInsert: DSP.Close Error -2 in $DSP.Close.

My job also throwing n number of constraint key violations while trying to insert to oracle table. Is the above warning some way realted to this.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 11:23 am
by ml
It could be related with your Ora stage or constraint key violations (but it shouldn't), because the DSP.Close is the routine in a plug-in that is called to close it and the ORA plugin seems to be closed by this routine. Did you try recreating the stage?

I'm not sure what "Error -2" means, maybe you should contact your support provider.

DSP.Close Error -2 in $DSP.Close

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 12:30 am
by kejuste

I Agree with Author ml,

Once i have seen this warning "DSP.Close Error -2 in $DSP.Close".

1. There was a case of ORA-0001: unique constraint ( Schema.table) violated

2. I found that there is a lock on table (i.e problem with OCI stage). I was looking from a table and trying to update the same table.

finally, solution could be array size and transaction size to minimum number(1).
