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Number Validation

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 1:20 pm
by naren6876
My input record value must be Numeric and not decimal and not zero.

Any solution out there pls.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Number Validation

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 1:32 pm
by sachinkc
1. Read it as varchar
2. Use the transformer to parse the numeric value\ validate it as you want
3. Send the output link to be processed to your "real" ETL
4. Read the BASIC pdf file that came with DataStage installation to help you with the routines\conditional statements Or search the DSXchange for an answer
naren6876 wrote:Hi,
My input record value must be Numeric and not decimal and not zero.

Any solution out there pls.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Number Validation

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 2:25 pm
by naren6876
Thanks. I got it
sachinkc wrote:1. Read it as varchar
2. Use the transformer to parse the numeric value\ validate it as you want
3. Send the output link to be processed to your "real" ETL
4. Read the BASIC pdf file that came with DataStage installation to help you with the routines\conditional statements Or search the DSXchange for an answer
naren6876 wrote:Hi,
My input record value must be Numeric and not decimal and not zero.

Any solution out there pls.

Thanks in advance.