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Generate dynamic reports with hyperlinks?

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 3:32 am
by StefL
I've downloaded the JobReport routine from ADN and it seems to work fine. I'm just somewhat curious to how it differs from the standard 'generate html report' functionality that already exists in Designer? There's not that much difference from what I can tell, apart from that a bitmap picture of the job design is not automatically generated by JobReport.

What I'd like to know is if there's any functionality that automatically generates reports for say a Server Job called from within a Job Sequence when you generate a report for the sequence, and then includes a hyperlink to the job's report where the job is referenced in the sequence report. That way you'd be able to browse all sequences and jobs called from within a sequence and access information on the level you desire.
That would truly make the documentation useful and complete, and it's a functionality I'd very much like to have. Manually editing all sequencer reports to add links doesn't seem like a feasible way to accomplish this even if it's of course 'possible'.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 7:14 am
by roy
with version 7.5 (I'm not sure prior versions have it) you can generate a client side html report of any job containing the graphical job design.
this can also be built via commad line invocation.

some utilities on ADN are implemented in releases over time, usually when they are posted the current version doesn't provide that functionality.

(900 Mark)


Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 8:36 am
by StefL
Yes, I've realised that much. That is, I've found and used the 'generate html report' button in Designer, which generates an html report including a bitmap picture of the job or sequence design.

What I'd like to accomplish though is that if I create a report for a sequence, I'd like it to have hyperlinks for jobs called, hyperlinks that in turn open a similar report for the job.
I can of course generate all the reports and then manually update the sequence report with hyperlinks to the jobs - but for a large project it would be easier if that function could be automated.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 9:48 am
by kduke
KgdGenHtml does exactly that. Run KgdGenHtmlJobDocs and set CategoryToDoc to the sequence name you want to document. It will build an index page and link to all the job pages produced by JobReport.

Here is an example ... Index.html I used this to document itself. Here is another example ... Index.html when I used to document EtlStats.