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Problem with RT_CONFIG file

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 12:07 pm
by Anjan Roy
Hi all-

I am having problem with RT_CONFIG file for one of our jobs. I get the error "Cannot Open executable job file RT_CONFIG2196" whenever I try to open the job. Also the job is visible in manager and designer but not in director.

Going thru the previous posts, I tried the following -

1. Copied the job to a different name, compiled and ran.
2. Copied the RT_CONFIGnnn file of this job to RT_CONFIG2196.
3. Tried importing the job.

Still getting the same error.

I checked the VOC and DS_JOBS entries for this job and they all exist. Also I can see other RT_ files for this job do exist in the project directory - RT_STATUS2196, DT_TEMP2196, RT_BP2196 and RT_LOG2196.

Any help would be appreciated.


Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 12:55 pm
by kcbland
When you export a job and then import, the act of importing attempts to delete all components of the job and then recreates all new components. When it does this, it assigns a new internal number for the job.

If the old copy of the job fails to properly delete because of structure integrity issues, you may not be able to import the new design. You must manually clean out all of the components to the job.

To do this, you must export the job and make sure it is good, probably by importing into anothe project. Then, you will have to start piece meal deleting the job components. You should also look at using DS.TOOLS to check the integrity for you and see if it can repair the job files. Only do all of this after you have a fully solid export of everything in the project, as you're in dangerous territory.

Usually these "corruptions" occur when running a project out of disk space. If your problem didn't originate because of space issues, then hopefully it's just this one job. You will need to remove the job entry from DS_JOBS. This in effect takes the job out of the master table so it won't be found by much of anything else. You should be able to import it now, and the job will be assigned a new number on import and you will be okay. There will be residual design pieces in the DS_JOBOBJECTS file as well as all of the supporting files (LOG, STATUS, CONFIG, BP, etc). But, those shouldn't hurt anything.

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 1:01 pm
by Anjan Roy
kcbland wrote:....... You will need to remove the job entry from DS_JOBS. ...
Does not look like it is a space issue. I am having problem with only THIS job. How can I remove the job entry from DS_JOBS?

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 2:27 pm
by kcbland
Look at your DS_JOBS file using any of the methods for getting to the DS command line (dssh, uvsh, DS Admin, etc). You can execute the command "DELETE DS_JOB 'yournamejobname' ".

WARNING! I take NO responsibility if you do this command. You will need to make sure you have proper backups. Once this is done, the job name is no longer used. You still have the residual pieces of the job throughout the project, but they should not cause any problem.

The best way to cleanup a project is to start a new one and import everything there, then drop the old project. You still have this as an option.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 9:31 am
by Anjan Roy
We did not have to delete from DS_JOBS. Our administrators did project cleanup that removed this orphan job. We later imported it from our backup.

-Thanks for the inputs.