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Sending an excel file as an attachment in a mail

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 2:39 am
by vimali balakrishnan

I tried sending an excel file (.xls,.csv) as an attachment in a mail.There is an option called Attachments in notification activity of DataStage version 7.5.But I couldn't get that excel file thro' my mail.I am able to send .txt files as an attachment in notification activity.Can you clarify me?????


Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 3:32 am
by Sainath.Srinivasan
Try renaming your xls as txt and run the same. If it works then there is problem with xls else with the mechanism.

The file to be attached must reside in the DataStage server.

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 6:17 am
by garthmac
You can run a shell script containing the following:

(uuencode /WorkingDirectory/Source.csv Target.csv ) | mail -s "Email Subject"

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 1:33 am
by vimali balakrishnan
Since DataStage works only when the excel file is a .CSV file.So I tried mailing an excel file(.CSV),it worked for me.So I'm able to send a .csv file as well as .txt file thro' notification activity.


Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 3:22 am
by Sainath.Srinivasan
E-mail attachments has nothing to do with DataStage processing that file. You can even e-mail any system files using the DataStage notification stage.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 9:20 pm
by trokosz
DataStage SendMail does not support attachements....You would need to revert to activating Unix MailX to accomplish what you desire

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 9:54 pm
by chulett
Actually, it does - in 7.5 - which the OP seems to have.