datastage questions

Post questions here relative to DataStage Server Edition for such areas as Server job design, DS Basic, Routines, Job Sequences, etc.

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datastage questions

Post by guna »

1)how to use routines in datastage?
2)have u used written any custom routines in ur project? if so explain?
3)how to make read-only routines in datastage?is it possible if so how?
4)what are different field operators in routines?
1)what is difference between shared-container and local-container?when comparing this with
informatica a shared container is mapplet or re-usable tranformation?
2)if ur are changing any changes in shared-container will it effect in all the jobs were
you used this shared- container?
3)how can u set properties of hashed file(that is caliculatins of minimum modules etc..)?
4)what is the architecture of datastage?
5)can u use in/out parametres in odbc?
6)what is stage variables,system variables,environment varaibles?
7)suppose if i have 150 colums in source and data in that is 1 million records suppose
if colum1 some values i want to replaces to some values like that i need to change for fifty
colums how can i change them?
8)can i join a flat file and oracle and load into oracle?is this possible?
9)how can u do incremental aggregation in datastage? if so how?
10)while loading some data into target suddenly thier is a problem loading process
stopped how can u start loading from the records that were left?
1)in informatica the repository is in rdbms? where the repository in datastage resides?
ans)universe rdbms,but if you want to increase the repository size
how can u alter that in datastage,in informatica if repository is
oracle u can alter that by alter command at prompt for that particular database
1)what are the general problems that u face in datastage?
2) please explain any ETL process that you have developed?
3)what is the use of sync-sort?
4)have you ever worked on teradata/multi load?
5)what is a staging area in ETL perspective?
6)how do you define and use the job parameters?
7)how do you connect to oracle/teradata?
8)what all custom Routines have you written, please explain in brief.
9)what is TrimB and TrimF functions in datastage?
10)how to make read -only to User-defined subroutine in datastage? Is this possible or not?
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Post by ArndW »

Hello Guna,

that is an interesting list, thanks for posting it! Perhaps it might be better placed into the FAQ section. The interview questions really concentrate on the nuts-and-bolts part of DataStage (plus comparisons with INFA) but don't address what I would like to see - the conceptual visualization of how to get data efficiently from somewhere into somewhere else using DS. I think that I could easily work with someone who doesn't know the answers to several of those questions, but who is able to find the answer in the documentation within 5 minutes; as long as he or she can think of a viable approach to solving a data movement problem.
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Post by battaliou »

These questions look like they've been drawn up by people who have little experience in coding the product. I'm particularly appalled at the "read only routine" and universe configuration questions. The answer here surely is "Why?"

If you are concerned with any of the above issues, I would strongly recommend attending the "Advanced datastage programming" course.
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Post by Sainath.Srinivasan »

By the look of it, the interviewer (or the person who prepared this list) has some knowledge of INFA and wants to get info / compare with DS.
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Post by PilotBaha »

I think that the interviewer has a poor English skills too :)
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Post by dsrules »

Looks like the person asking these questions is not sure of the exact answers :D ,
You can have a field day with such guys :twisted:
Cant see many real time scenario question's. What say?

"Everytime I close the door on reality, it comes in through the windows." - Jennifer Yane
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