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Phantom 2844: Nonnumeric data when numeric required

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 4:28 am
by branimir.kostic

i got the following phantom-error message when started a job. I tried to figure out the problem but till yet i havent found any approach.

Can you help me? Where in my job is the mistake?

DataStage Job 516 Phantom 2844
Program "JOB.657285897.DT.1351835990.TRANS1": Line 598, Nonnumeric data when numeric required. Zero used.
Thank you for your help


Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 5:47 am
by roy
covered before use search....
in short :
in your project directory inside the RT_BP516 you'll find a file named:JOB.657285897.DT.1351835990.TRANS1
inside it line 598 holds the actual assignment in question
look in the beginning of the code to resolve the %%.. to the actual column/variables in question as they apear in your job.
then you'll find the column that has none numeric data where numeric expected.
this is simply something you need to transform to a numeric value.