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DB2 UDBLoad Stage results

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 3:39 am
by goffinw
How can I verify the success or failure of a UDBLoad Stage?
After the UDBStage is finished, I would like to perform a check that the load has performed it's task successfully, completely.
One of the ways in which I tried to achieve this, was to look ate the DB2 load generated message file. But no luck, the lines which the db2 load command line utility always writes at the end, mentioning the number of lines read, committed/rejected, ... are not present in the message file, when the DataStage DB2 BulkLoad plugin is used.
Is there a way this info can be obtained from the plugin?


Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 2:38 am
by rasi

Have a simple job which reads the count of the target before insert and writes to a file. And run the job after insert and compare the difference with the out link of the job.
