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Exporting Tables Definations

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 6:31 am
by gauravb
Hi All ,

I have to give a detailed description of my existing Table Definitions (Unidata) , The Problem is we have huge table structure ( Around 500 Tables and their subsequent structure) .Can I do that using datastage ?
I tried exporting table definitions to xml . but I was not able to get a clean output ,
I also tried reading .dsx file but it only contained reference to the saved table definition.

TableDef "UniData\\myserver0006>ABC SQL\\Employee_Address "
Please help

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 8:25 am
by kcbland
DataStage's metadata of Universe and Unidata tables is not accurate of the physical data structure of those tables. Since dictionaries contain I-descriptors, T and F correlatives, then the data returned via the dictionary is not the same as the physical structure. Since the data is also multivalued, the normalized structured of DS metadata does not reflect the true composition of the multivalued data.

What I'm saying is that using the table definitions in DS is misleading, it does not represent the true structure of the U2 metadata, unless someone completely normalized the data structure in U2, which I highly doubt. Therefore, your task is more difficult, as you either present the metadata in a normalized form (which does not reflect U2) or you present the metadata in U2 form (which DS cannot produce but you can get using a LIST.DICT statement). You are in a quandry.