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Is it possible to view a hash file using Unix?

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 10:34 pm
by vinodlakshmanan
I need to view the contents of a hash file on a production server to which we cannot connect using DS, but can telnet. Is there any way in which I can view the data using uv / dssh / uvsh?

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 10:57 pm
by kcbland
You have to use the DS Engine command shell. Telnet to the server and go to the DSEngine directory, execute ". ./dsenv", and then either "bin/uvsh" or "bin/dssh" depending on your version of DataStage. You have to connect to your DataStage project using "LOGTO yourprojectname" where yourprojectname is case sensitive. Now you can execute DS Engine commands.

You will have to setup a pointer to the hash file if it is created in a fully qualified path using SETFILE (search the forum). If it's in the project, then you can proceed to the viewing commands. You can use LIST-ITEM for an unsorted text dump that gives pausing after every screen (Q to cancel). You can use SORT-ITEM which does the same thing but sorts the file by primary key first. You can also attempt SQL against the file, but you need to know exactly how the column names are spelled. You can use "LIST.DICT hashfilename" to show the column names available for queries.

There's a lot of viewing commands, but using the Designer client is definitely easiest.