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Attempting to Cleanup after ABORT raised in one of our job

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 8:20 am
by OAC
We have a job which calls a routine subject to the availability of file. It is working fine in our Development Environment, Whereas it aborts in QA Environment. In QA we are getting the following error message.

Attempting to Cleanup after ABORT raised in stage JpmFileLoadMail..JobControl

It is helpful if we get a solution.

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 8:30 am
by kcbland
Please post all error messages, a description of the design, as well as any functions you believe are involved.

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 1:40 am
by aesguerra
It would be helpfuly if you can insert a call to DSLogInfo in your routine to determine where exactly the abort was raised.