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run time variables, parameters etc

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 9:55 am
by dzdiver
Having had various reasons and needs to pick up values, write values etc in jobs and reading others posts on similar issues, I wonder if this could be a useful suggestion.

What if there was a plug-ins developed that could act as a read/write store.
A "variable manager" front end could be developed to create various types, simple numbers, strings, arrays etc. (version1 could do simple types)

In any particular job, any plug-in (which would be identified by name) could act as a (optionally persistent) read/write store, and have a locking policy.

Any other job running at same or later time would have access to anything written there. (Shared memory?)

Now I must admit Ive never developed a plug-in (and am not sure of the details) but this doesnt sound too complex and imho would be very helpful.

Im open to criticism/ideas from those of you familiar with developing plug-ins (, and any anyone else of course :wink: ).

If this appears to be useful I could go away and find out about developing one of these.
