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Memory leak & nchar nvarchar issues

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 9:35 pm
by johndeere
I am new to Data Stage and we just upgraded to 7.5 We have a very simple job that read from SQL2000 and writes to SQL 2000. The job has approx 400,000 rows. IF we run the job we can watch (via task manager) and seel all the memory on the server used. When this happens the job aborts. I can run the same job using the bulk load stage and it does not consume all the memory.

We have also noticed the sql wire driver will not write nchar or nvarchar columns correctly. Support has documented this as an error in the odbc driver but they have no fix yet.

Any ideas on how read or write nchar/nvarchar. Any help on the memory issue woulb e appreciated as well.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 3:09 pm
by roy
is there any reason why not to use the bulk load which is working?

Re: Memory leak & nchar nvarchar issues

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 3:28 pm
by mcrouch
We are having the SAME problem with this ODBC driver. We are finding memory leaks also.
johndeere wrote:I am new to Data Stage and we just upgraded to 7.5 We have a very simple job that read from SQL2000 and writes to SQL 2000. The job has approx 400,000 rows. IF we run the job we can watch (via task manager) and seel all the memory on the server used. When this happens the job aborts. I can run the same job using the bulk load stage and it does not consume all the memory.

We have also noticed the sql wire driver will not write nchar or nvarchar columns correctly. Support has documented this as an error in the odbc driver but they have no fix yet.

Any ideas on how read or write nchar/nvarchar. Any help on the memory issue woulb e appreciated as well.