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Convert Julian Date to DB2 Date

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 1:50 pm
by anilkona
I am trying to convert a julian date to DB2 date format using the following syntax:
Oconv(Iconv(MyDate, "DYJ"), "D-YMD[4,2,2]")

I am getting following error when I do that
Value treated as NULL
Attempt to convert String value "" to Date type unsuccessful

The Julian dates are in the form of 99111, 100018 etc.

Can anyone suggest a correct syntax.


Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 2:02 pm
by kcbland
Please search this forum, we just last week had a long discussion over Y2K issues with Julian dates and the DB2 plugin. Your solution is discussed in that thread.

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 3:39 pm
by anilkona
I looked at that post. And I tried the following syntax:
Oconv(Iconv(1900 + Int(JulianDate / 1000) : "/" : Mod(JulianDate, 1000), "DYJ"), "D-YMD[4,2,2]")

I still get the same error.

What I noticed was IConv function is not returning any value.

Anyone has a working solution?


Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 3:41 pm
by T42
JulianDate is the variable you need to pass.

Use MyDate there.

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 3:44 pm
by anilkona
Yes I did. This is what I tried:

Oconv(Iconv(1900 + Int(104071 / 1000) : "/" : Mod(104071, 1000), "DYJ"), "D-YMD[4,2,2]")


Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 4:56 pm
by anilkona
I think I found a solution. Put this in a function

Ans = @NULL
If IsNull(Arg1) Then RETURN(Ans)
TheYear = Arg1[1,Len(Arg1)-3] + 1900
TheDay = Arg1[3] ;
DSJulianDate = TheYear : "" : TheDay
Ans = Oconv(Iconv(DSJulianDate, "DYJ"), "D-YMD[4,2,2]")