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AS/400 Multi-member files

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 10:18 am
by garthmac
Is it possible, using the DB2 plug-in for DataStage, to Access AS/400 Multi-member files? I want to be able to read or write to this level. If not, is
it possible any other way, or with a future DB2 plug-in?

Currently I only see: LibraryName.FileName
I would like to see: LibraryName.FileName.Member

We currently use a work around of writing to temporary files, from which the data is moved to the correct multi-member file.

When I contacted Ascential Support a couple of months ago, they said:

"SQL does not directly support multi-member files. DataStage DB2 plug-in
expects valid SQL.

You can try to define an SQL ALIAS for each member you need to access but it
is something we would not be able to support if it doesn't work."