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Parent/Child records in CFF - BUG?

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 3:21 pm
by gup
We have a CFF that has , for example, a parent with 12 assoicated children.

Field1, field2, field3, child1, child2...child12 <ret>
.....etc etc....

After normalization, 12 records come thru , but at the end of the file that is FTPed from the host, the FTP software seems to add a <ret> at the very end of the file. DataStage is reading this hard return and triggers another 12 BLANK records to also come thru.

There are workarounds to this , but is this something that MAY be fixed in a patch or is this an issue with DataStage?

The Hard Return towards the end of the file doesn't seem to appear from the Host side....thus we think it is being added by FTP.


Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 10:06 pm
by T42
The best people to ask this question is Ascential Support. They have a nice complete log of bug listing and associated patches. Give them a call and be nice to them. :D