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How can i dump the result of the job to a XML file?

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 5:02 am
by shiv_nm
I have a job say X. After running this job i need to dump the resultset of the job to a xml file. how can i do that?

One more case is. :roll:
There are 5 jobs each in sequence after running all the jobs i need dump the resultset like "Job 1 has ran at this time to this time" and so on. How can i do that in Datastage?

How can i put IF condiotions on job level like
If Job1 failed go to Job2 like this it will continue.
How can i handle this one?

kindly give me the answer.

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 7:43 am
by kduke
dsjob -report Project Job XML

Will output job start and end times and row counts. You may want to download from my tips page or ADN. I process the output of this command and route it to several tables to store current and historical row counts.

As far as executing the next job then all of that is controlled in the triggers of a sequence. Do a search all of this has been covered a lot.