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Warring while finding Max, Min Date - Aggregator Stage

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 2:42 am
In a job I am trying to find out the maximum and minimum date from the given date field. For that I was made a job with Aggregator stage.
I am getting the required out put, but I am getting multiple warring in the log file. The warring message I am listed below.

Acc005_Aggr_MaxMinDate_TopAcc..Aggr_MaxMin_Date: At row 1991, link "Input_Agg", while processing column "Output_Agg.MIN_FIRST_SHIP_DATE"
Value treated as NULL
Attempt to convert String value "" to Long type unsuccessful

Please let me know how to handle this warring.

Thanks and regards

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 8:00 am
by T42
Don't pass invalid data to the aggregator stage. Use a transformer's constraint. That's all.