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DSSendMail working with some users only

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 12:10 pm
by gpbarsky
Hi forumers...

I have problems sending a mail from within DS. The mail is sent when all the processes could start without any problem.

This is a scheduled process in the Windows Scheduled Tasks screen (an *.bat is invoked).

When the user of the scheduled task is an administrator, the mail is sent.

When the user of the scheduled task is not an administrator, I got an error saying that an error occurred in the DSSendMail routine.

What kind of accesses does the user who will use the DSSendMail routine need ?

Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 4:30 pm
by roy
The reasons I can think of (right now):
1. users which are not administrator (hence called other users) have no access/privilages to invoke your mailing program.
2. other users have no account in the mail server and if it checks for valid accounts no mail will be sent (not sure if this produces errors).
3. other useres have no access/privilages to the directory in which the temporrary mail file is produced in hence failing to send the mail.