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Is ODBC required for Database communications in DataStage?

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 1:22 pm
by Athorne
My apologies if this topic has already been covered, but I'm not the most adept at using the forum search. My question is if I have to use ODBC as my go between for communications between the DataStage Server and my Oracle Database.

I understand I pretty much need it to allow my Clients to access meta data when creating a new map, but for the actual run of an ETL process on my Unix Server, do I really need ODBC or can I do a direct Oracle connection into the Database? I do have the Oracle 9i plugin installed and it is available, but from what I've tested the Database connection definitions are still being pulled from ODBC. I don't have a reason to bypass ODBC currently, but I had some concerns in future with Performance of my maps and figure a native connection would perform better than an ODBC to Oracle connection. Any information on this topic would be greatly appreciated.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 1:45 pm
by tonystark622
You can definitely access the Oracle libraries directly by using an OracleOCI stage (OracleOCI9) or the DRS stage. The Oracle Libraries have to be configured correctly in DataStage's environment. This is usually done in the dsenv file.


Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 1:52 pm
by Athorne
We are using the DRS stage for our maps based on documentation from PeopleSoft. In the background I still have to put a valid dsn in the .odbc.ini under the $DSHOME. So I guess I must have something configured incorrectly, or we are not using the DRS correctly. Is there a delievered document for the product that I can read through to learn more about the proper setup and use of DRS?

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 1:55 pm
by tonystark622
If you look in the DataStage directory under "Program Files" on your hard drive (wherever you have it installed), there's a "Docs" directory. In the "Docs" directory is a file called "DRSStage.pdf". This should provide you with the info you need (I hope, I haven't actually looked).


Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 2:02 pm
by Athorne
I was just in the process of printing that out when you posted this. I think that is probably what I'm looking for. Just another case of RTFM on my part. :oops: I appreciate the response though.