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Vertical Pivot

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 1:04 pm
by SonShe
Before I post let me ask for apology for repeating this question as this has already been discussed on this forum. I still can't figure out without spending some time. I wish if I can get the code if someone has already done this saving me the efforts.

I have multiple rows of input as follows:

Fld1 Fld2
----- -----
A X01
A X02
A X03
B Y01
B Y02
B Y03

The output to like as under

A X01 X02 X03
B Y01 Y02 Y03

Please reply. Thanks a lot in advance.

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 3:09 pm
by tonystark622

Design your job like this:

Code: Select all

                   | Hash_lu
          IN       V
Make Fld1 the key when reading and writing in the hash file stages.

For the derivation of Field2 put:

Code: Select all

If IsNull(Hash_lu.Fld1) Then IN.Fld2 Else Hash_lu.Fld2 : " " : IN.Fld1
This should work.


Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 8:03 pm
by sim
How would I do this vertical pivot in DataStage 7 Parallel Extender? Any design help...what stages to use? Thanks

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 8:45 pm
by davidnemirovsky
I would just use a simple SQL statement like the following:

select ID, MAX(Fld1) "Fld1", MAX(Fld2) "Fld2"
(select ID,
case when Colname = 'Fld1' then New_Value else NULL end "Fld1",
case when Colname = 'Fld2' then New_Value else NULL end "Fld2"
from your_table
group by ID

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 9:33 pm
by sim
I have data in a sequential file. My data look like this:


I want to convert this data to:

My environment: DataStage 7.1 Parallel Extender in Unix server


Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 9:49 pm
by him121
u can do this same way as tony answer quesion of Sonshe...

u need to pass this seq file and do the lookup...and pass the data to same hash file.

in the transformer....
you can easily give the condition with lookup...

stagevar=If isNull(Lookup.Fd1) then '' else Lookup.Fd1

in Tranforrmer


Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 12:51 am
by rasi
Why not use the power of awk, sed in unix....

to do


Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 6:13 am
by cyh
I have the same problem before.

From my experience, the problem is much simple if there are only a few alternative values for Fld1. Let's say Fld2 can be '01','02','03','04' only.

You can use following flow :

Input -> Sort -> Transformer -> Output

Code: Select all

Fld1   Fld2     Fld1 Fld2a Fld2b Fld2c Fld2d
-----  -----    ---- ----- ----- ----- -----
A       01 ->    A    01 
A       02 ->    A          02
A       03 ->    A                03
B       01 ->    B    01
B       02 ->    B          02
B       03 ->    B                03


                Fld1 Fld2a Fld2b Fld2c Fld2d
                ---- ----- ----- ----- -----
                 A    01    02    03
                 B    01    02    03
The myth here is that you hold the value of Fld2 in stage variable of the transformer, where the key field is change, output the value.

You may refer the value of previous record in the transformer !!!