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Null Strings

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 7:41 am
by phillip.small
I have several warnings in my log file due to some ICONV conversions that I did to convert Char values to dates, which worked. However, since there are nulls and PeopleSoft fields all have Not Null constraints that cannot be removed, I had to use an If Else statement. See log error below:

DA_DEPT_EXTN_new..Transformer_1: At row 1, link "DataOUT", while processing column "DA_UNIT_INACTV_DT"
Value treated as NULL
Attempt to convert String value " " to Date type unsuccessful

If IsNull(Column) Then " " Else Iconv(column,"D")

What other null parameters could I use? I have tried the NullToEmpty function/routine, "", and call the empty string from a stage variable.

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 8:42 am
by chulett
You can't send a space to a DATE field.

If the field is required, you need to send it some kind of legitimate date, even if it's one that represents "no date". You need to find out what they are expecting... usually it's something like '9999-12-31'.