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Cannot get exclusive access to executable file for job

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 7:21 am
by HSBCdev
I stopped a job using the the button in Designer and then cleaned up its resources but now I cannot recompile (or delete) the job.

When I try to recompile I get the message 'Cannot get exclusive access to executable file for job <Jobname> - job may be being monitored '

I have tried cleaning up the resources and clearing the status file through designer many times but it doesn't seem to be helping.

I have also tried going into Administrator and running DS.TOOLS -> 5 - 'Administer/process locks' -> 11- 'Clear Status file for a job' but this has also not helped.

Could you advise me either how to get my job working and compilable again or how to delete the job (I've made a copy of it which I can rename back to the original name once the dodgy versions out of the way).


Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 7:25 am
by WoMaWil
Try to restart DataStage if you can. Maybe that this will help. Wait 5 Minutes before restarting DataStage.

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 7:34 am
by HSBCdev
Thanks - I'll see if I can get permission to do that.

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 2:18 am
by anupam

Code: Select all

I have also tried going into Administrator and running DS.TOOLS -> 5 - 'Administer/process locks' -> 11- 'Clear Status file for a job' but this has also not helped.
When you are in DS.TOOLS and you have opted 11 option for Clearing the status file and then provided the Job Name, then once datastage has cleared the file name , it shows a mesage stating that the RT_CONFIGNNN file has been cleared where NNN is the Job Number.

Note down this Job Number are choose option 4 for listing all the locks, You will find that the RT_CONFIGNNN is in lock state. Note down the pid

Now choose option 7 and provide the pid for releasing the lock of RT_CONFIGNNN File.

And your problem will be solved.

Basically, you have to follow three steps in these type of cases.
1. Clear Status File and note down the Job Number. Check if you could
get the exclusive rights. If not, then
2. Using that job number, see all the locks and note down the pid for
3. Choose option 7 for Clear locks held by a process and provide the pid.

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 3:06 am
by HSBCdev
Thanks I have tried that (since I was not able to get DataStage stopped and restarted). After a few goes through your technique and also killing all my jobs through unix command I found that I could recompile my jobs again.

However, now when I run my sequence It calls its first job but when it the 1st job has finished (and then sequence is then supposed to call a second instance of the 1st job) the sequence still waits for the 1st instance of the 1st job to finish - even though when I look in director the status of the 1st instance of the 1st job is 'finished' and there have been no warnings/errors.

My sequence just hangs - I tried killing of all my jobs again and then trying the sequence again but the same thing has happened? The sequence and jobs have not been changed since they were succesfully run earlier last week. The problems seem to have started when I tried to stop the sequence running through Director after I had mistakenly set it running on a very large file.

Any ideas?

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 3:18 am
by anupam
Two things you should do
1. Kill all the processe of all the Jobs attached to that sequencer/Applications from unix level and then clear the status files and RT_CONFIGNNN files for each of the Jobs.
2. You should check whether the log as seen from the director log is taking long time to be reflected, if Yes then that means your log file has grown large and it needs to be purged. Clear the logs prior to say 2 days.

The top level sequencer should not wait for any Job. You might have not cleared all the Jobs ......

Check it out and let me know.

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 4:12 am
by HSBCdev
For one of my jobs when I try to view the log Director seizes up - (I eventuallly did an 'end task' on it). This also happens when I try to clear the log for that job. Is this my problem then?

Is there another way I can clear the log for this job?


Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 4:21 am
by anupam
So that means we got the problem. Now the problem is the bigger log file associated with that Job. you can clear the logs without going to the LOG view.

Open your director, then choose Job option from the menu bar and opt for Clear log.

Once you have cleared the log, your waiting problem will also be solved.

let me know the results.

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 4:30 am
by HSBCdev
I'd already tried that - it also just hangs. I've left that going in director for the last 15 minutes. Is it likely that it's still clearing the log - or has it hit a problem?

Is there anyother way to clear the log?


Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 4:36 am
by ogmios
HSBCdev wrote:I'd already tried that - it also just hangs. I've left that going in director for the last 15 minutes. Is it likely that it's still clearing the log - or has it hit a problem?

Is there anyother way to clear the log?

Export the job and reimport it again. Internally DataStage will delete all information based on the old job number and will generate you a new fresh job number and new directories/files.


Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 6:06 am
by HSBCdev
I tried to import the jobs back in - but some of the jobs were locked again (maybe this was due to me ending the task that was trying to clear the log?). I've been trying the techniques above to remove these locks again but I'm having no sucess. I'll keep trying and let you know when I've got them unlocked again.

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 4:07 pm
by ray.wurlod
anupam wrote:Two things you should do
1. Kill all the processe of all the Jobs attached to that sequencer/Applications from unix level and then clear the status files and RT_CONFIGNNN files for each of the Jobs.
2. You should check whether the log as seen from the director log is taking long time to be reflected, if Yes then that means your log file has grown large and it needs to be purged. Clear the logs prior to say 2 days.

The top level sequencer should not wait for any Job. You might have not cleared all the Jobs ......

Check it out and let me know.
Never, never, never clear the RT_CONFIGnnn files !!!!!

These contain the run-time configuration of the job design. They are not affected by the job run itself.

However, clearing them is a great way to ensure that the job will never run again! (Until it is re-compiled, one effect of which is to re-populate the RT_CONFIGnnn file.)

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 12:08 am
by anupam

Code: Select all

the status files and RT_CONFIGNNN files for each of the Jobs
I wrote it incorrectly, By clearing RT_CONFIGNNN, i meant unlocking RT_CONFIGNNN.

It has mentioned in my first reply also to unlock the RT_CONFIGNNN by choosing option 7, and giving the pid of RT_CONFIGNNN.

You should not clear any of the files which starts with RT* as these are having the run time information.

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 2:41 am
by HSBCdev
I'm ok - I was following the original instructions and unlocking the file.

I've now got to the stage were I can recompile all my jobs (before I was getting a message saying that I couldn't get exclusive access to the executable). I still cannot clear the job log for one of my jobs though.

I've tried Ogmios's suggestion of exporting and importing the job but I get the message 'Cannot get exclusive access to log for job MyJobName'. I presume that this is because I Director seized up when I originally tried to clear the job log.

Do you know how I can get rid of the lock on the job log ?


Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 2:51 am
by anupam
Open the director, it would be the status window.if not then select the 3rd icon from left (next to print Option).

press (alt+j+c), you will get a GUI opt for Immidiate purge and specify the dates from when you want to purge the records.

This is the simple way of deleting the log entries.

If you are still not able to delete the log entriee then let me know.
It may take some time. Don't close the director if it hangs for some time. Leave it after choosing the option for some time, it will come back.....