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Version Control

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 9:17 am
by denzilsyb
hi all

hope you can help. when taking jobs up from a development project to a production project using version control, i get the following error:
Record J\11\V0S45P2 in file DS_JOBOBJECTS is read-only and cannot be written
the result is that the job is taken live, but not compiled. Other jobs that i take to production go through the same process, but _are_ compiled. Any ideas?

On the development project the jobs are all compiled and have even run successfully. I asked developers if they were not accessing the jobs at the same time as i was trying to copy to production, but they were not connected.

The user taking the jobs from development to production is not the dsadm install user as you would expect, but it is a user that is production manager on both projects.

I cant suspect it is OS level permissions because the copying of jobs to the live environment works for some jobs and not others.

any ideas?

Check the version

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 9:23 am
by hassers
I'd double check the version your using and contact Ascential for latest fixes.

Originally used 7.0 which won my ' Rubber Spanner Award'
There were a number of bugs which were fixed and released.

Still not really impressed, but it is better.

We also had issues with permissions from our DEV server to PROD.
For a while we ended up exporting and importing using dsadm IDs.
This isn't as bad as it sounds, since we could use VC between dev regions and OAT.
PROD sits on a separate box.

Had to check out priviledges for DEVELOPERS and the DSADMIN account. Our Production Ops guys finally saw sense and sorted permissions.

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 9:58 am
by denzilsyb
I just tried with the dsadm user account and am hitting the same issue. I was starting to think that this is similar to the read-only objects warning a person gets when exporting a project, but its not the routines were trying to overwrite.

still the same errors (or similar)..
Record J\22\V0S66P1 in file DS_JOBOBJECTS is read-only and cannot be written
Im going to see if i can figure out what Record J\22\V0S66P1 is.

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 10:12 am
by denzilsyb
weird.. as soon as i create the project as an unprotected project, it all goes through, no problem.

this is DS7.1r1 - i hope its no bug.

>>> the workaround now.. in administrator; unprotect project. then copy jobs to PRODUCTION. after this process, Protect the project again. <<<

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 10:14 am
by chulett
Aha! Was just going to ask if you were promoting to a Protected Project, as this seems to be a known "issue" with Version Control. Not sure if there is a work-around or not, but you're not the first to have this problem.