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Can't kill job in Director..

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 2:01 am
by saprebv
I have long running Batch job which triggers other datastage jobs. Actually none of the jobs which it triggers is running currently. It is stuck up on step type RunJob (xyz Job run requested..).

But the problem is 'Stop Job' in director doesn't seem to be working. It gives message 'Stop request sent to server' and that's it. Job keeps on running. There is no OS process running for the job.

Clean up resources also doesn't work ..

How do I stop this job?? (other than restarting server :D )


Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 2:26 am
by anupam
First of all grep on the process(job Running) and kill the process from unix level. Then try stopping the Job. Actually when you try to kill Job from director, sometimes the back ground process is not killed. After killing the background process you can try stopping the Job from Director and then the status will be updated.

Other option is using DS.TOOLS from datastage administrator or from UV sh. Use the 5 option and then the 11 option which will clear the status file also.

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 2:36 am
by saprebv
I did not get DS.TOOLS in administrator.

what is the command in UV sh ??

Thank you,

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 3:08 am
by anupam
Listing the steps for invoking the uv sh

1. Go to the Project directory

Code: Select all

 cd /u01/app/datastage/product/Ascential/DataStage/Projects/development/
2. Execute the Following Commands

Code: Select all

. `cat /.dshome`/dsenv

Code: Select all

 `cat /.dshome`/bin/uv
"> " Promt will come.

And then Choose Option 5 for Administer processes/locks >>
And then 11. Clear status file for a job

This will clear the status file for your Job and your Job will be in complied state again. But be sure to kill the back ground process of your Job also

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 3:47 am
by saprebv
Thanks a lot..

Actually the job is not running now.. will try this when it happens next time ..

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 4:52 am
by rasi
It happened many times to me. What I did was went into designer and compiled the job. It worked for me


Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 4:58 am
by anupam
You can also go to DS.TOOLS Menu by using the datastage administrator.
Open the administrator and then after selecting the Project go to the Command Option. Then execute "DS.TOOLS" Command. Again the same menu will come.

You can now select the options available from the Menu as required.

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 5:31 am
by denzilsyb
to do exactly what anupam suggests, DS.TOOLS will show a menu when you "execute" the command.

i find that i always need to resize the screen once the menu is displayed. it makes for easy reading

- from the menu, select 5 (Administer processes/locks)
- then select 4 (list all locks)
- make note of the PID that is causing the problems (your job name should be displayed on the right of the screen - unless the job has not been saved. then i dont know what is displayed)

you will then be at the menu again;

- select 7 (clear locks held by process)
- enter the PID and confirm the kill

happy hunting