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Job Accessed by Another user

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 10:04 am
by ketfos
I am unable to open a datastage job. When I try to open it, it gives a message
"Job Accessed by another user"

When I go to Director and view the status , it shows "Running".
When I try to stop the job, I get a message "Stop Request has been sent to Server". It keeps on waiting.

When i view in Job Resources Screen in Director - Tools, and click Show ALL in bottom half of the screen it shows the following

PID/User # 9261
Lock Type Record
Item Id CustomerFix (Job Name)

How do I resolve this?


Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 10:11 am
by neena
Go to Unix box .. if you have permissions and Kill the PID 9261(if you are using UNX . Kill command )
If its windows it will take some time to kill the process.

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 10:27 am
by ketfos
When I go to Unix and issue the command
kill 9261

I get a message " Specifed Process doesnot exist"


Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 11:37 am
by bibhudc
Try using DS.TOOLS from the Administrator client.


Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 11:47 am
by neena
If this is the message then your job is already released by Unix.
Try the job now.
If the problem still there then check the pid of it again and go to unix use kill -9 pid
ketfos wrote:Hi,
When I go to Unix and issue the command
kill 9261

I get a message " Specifed Process doesnot exist"


Re: Job Accessed by Another user

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 12:24 pm
by datastage
ketfos wrote:When I go to Director and view the status , it shows "Running".
Normally the above problem, when the job isn't actually running, is fixed in Directory by choosing Job...Clear Status File.

However there may be more since another user is attached. Try Neena's kill -9 pid recommendation. Also, within Director you need to search for any locks in the bottom portion of Cleanup Resources. There may be more than 1 pid. Then go to the top portion and try to logout that pid. Click show all for both processes (top) and locks (bottom)

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 12:32 pm
by ketfos
Thanks, I was able to kill by cleaning resources and looking for pid# with locks.
