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Impact of migration from Oracle 8i to 9i on DataStage Jobs

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 3:07 am
by eug
hi all

We want to upgrade our Datawarehouse database from Oracle 8i to 9i.
We have DataStage jobs that currently use Oracle OCI 8i Stages.

Do we need to change all of our oracle 8i oci stages to 9i or will the 8i stages still work?
If so is there a performance implication by staying with the 8i stage?

If we were to change to use the 9i stage is there a way to do this using a script/Datastage utility or would each job need to be updated individually?



Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 7:14 am
by chulett
Ascential recognized that people would need to do this, so they have provided a utility to upgrade all jobs that use the OCI8 stage to use OCI9. You'll need to explore the cdrom yourself to find it, but it is there and is mentioned in the readme.

Technically, the OCI8 stage will still work as long as you do not remove the 8i client that the stage will need and use to talk to your 9i database. I would suggest, however, that you do convert. Then you would no longer be dependant on an 8i client and would be straight 9i. Don't forget you need to change the Oracle information in 'dsenv' if on UNIX or whatever settings are needed on Windows so that DataStage knows to use the new Oracle Home, then stop and restart the server.

Also know that you can have some jobs using OCI8 and others using OCI9 (via an 8i client) but cannot use both in a single job.

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 9:10 am
by eug

I found the DataStage utility to perform the migration form 8i to 9i.

We will prob go with this utility and migrate our DataStage jobs


DS Routine name

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 4:09 pm
by SonShe
eug wrote:Thanks

I found the DataStage utility to perform the migration form 8i to 9i.

We will prob go with this utility and migrate our DataStage jobs

Can you please mention what is the name of the routine?

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 4:48 pm
by chulett
It's not a 'Routine' in the sense you are used to. On your DataStage CDROM are several 'Utilities'. Under Utilities / Unsupported / Oci82Oci9 you'll find the piece of code you are looking for - oci8to9.b. There is a readme that explains how it is used.