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Installation error

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 6:38 am
by Anand K
Hi All..

I have installed DataStage server in a Windows machine.
DataStage Clients are installed in some of the other machines working in Windows XP..

If for a single given Windows Login id, the Client is able to connect to the Server. But if logged in using a different login the it is showing the following error:

"Failed to connect to host:, project: TEST
(Internal Error (39202))"

I have not used any user id or password to connect to the DataStage server. We have clicked on the OMIT option.

Any suggestions would be highly appreciated...

Thanks in advance

Anand K

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 9:20 am
by Amos.Rosmarin
Hi Anand

My advise, always login with user and pwd don't use the omit option.
Even when you are logged into DS with omit you have a different set of permissions and you can experience some very strange behaviours.

The DS gurus have already discussed it and you can find in this forun an explenation to the diff between omit and user/pwd login.


Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 10:48 pm
by Anand K
Thanks Amos.. But again I would like to know how to set different levels of user id and password as this is first time i have installed the server and in Windows machine.

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 4:16 am
by Anand K
Hi All

Can anyone please suggest some method to the above mentioned situation?


Anand K

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 6:55 am
by chulett
You might want to explain exactly what you mean by "different levels of user id and password" and then you'll stand a better chance of getting some useful advise.

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 9:51 pm
by Anand K
The server is installed in a Windows XP machine. The DS clients are also installed in 4 other Windows XP machines. I login (Windows login not DS login) to the DS server machine with login id, say, XYZ. The Windows login id for the DS clients machines are different, say, ABC, KJM, etc.. When the client PC is logged with the above Windows id it is giving the following error at DS login.
"Failed to connect to host:, project: TEST
(Internal Error (39202))"

But if I log in the DS client machines with the server WINDOWS login id XYZ, then it is able to connect to the DS.

I have not used any user id or password to connect to the DataStage server. We have clicked on the OMIT option.

Please suggest what all modifications need to be done so that even if the client PC log with ABC, KJM, etc. they should be able to connect to DS.

Also please suggest as to how I can create different users for DS.


Anand K

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 8:14 am
by JDionne
From what I have gathered about DS security, it is governed by the OS. I have added all of my designers to the Administration group on the ETL server. This gives my designers admin rights in DS. Im honestly not sure how to limit the amount of access to DS but I gather that by creating different groups at the OS level and some how showing DS where these groups are would be the way to do it. I have neaver had a need for that type of security so I have neaver looked into it. I am also not aware of the procedure for DS to us LDAP if it even can. I have not had the need to look into this so I have not bothered. If anyone else has any insights into LDAP or security level in connection with DS and the OS I would love to hear them.