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Error using Basic transformer in parallel Job

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 11:54 am
by Sairam
Hey Gurus,

I am using a Basic Transformer which has some basic routines to run , with in a parallel shared container .I am getting the following error when it is run on 2 or 4 nodes.

"ds_ipcgetnext - timeout waiting for mutex".

Any help is appreciated


Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 6:39 pm
by gh_amitava

To eliminate this mutex error, instead of using a Basic Transformer you have to use PX Transformer.. But you can't call a basic routine from PX Transformer.. You can call a PX routine(unix shared library) from a PX transformer.. Otherwise you can create and use your own buildop..

Amitava Ghosh