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Strange problem with Manager using ODBC Drivers in AIX

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 4:44 am
by peternolan9
just by way of contributing to the group.....mistakes I have made...

We had some very strange symptoms as we set up our ODBC drivers yesterday. We could connect to a data source and get a list of tables but when we tried to 'view data' we got the dreaded 'DSN not found and no default specified'....

We were at this for over an hour because every time we stopped/started manager we could get the list of tables, but when we tried view it failed and then the list of tables also failed....

So, if you see this behaviour.

The mistake we made was to try putting the ODBCINI variable into a setting for the project using DS Administrator. (We were having trouble getting ODBC to work and we thought this would help...and it did...)....

What we missed was the ODBCINI setting in dsenv. When we finally found it and set it properly in dsenv we forgot to take it out of the environment variables in the project. So, when we did the list of tables it used the .odbc.ini file in DSHOME and when we did the view it tried to use the .ocbd.ini file in the ODBCINI variable we set for the project.

Just for anyone else who is setting up ODBC on unix (AIX for us) who has a problem finding where the ODBCINI variable should be set.. ;-)