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Strange problem in Hashfile caching

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 1:37 am
by LNarayana
I have Job J2SmsXfm which uses Hashfile as reference lookup "ORIG_SDCA.LookUpSDCA_A"

"preload file to memory" is disabled for the above hashfile.

when iam running above job, log shows

"J2SmsXfm..ORIG_SDCA.LookUpSDCA_A: Read caching enabled, cache size (999MB)"

If I change "preload file to memory" to Enabled and run, log shows

"J2SmsXfm..ORIG_SDCA.LookUpSDCA_A: Read caching disabled, file size exceeds cache size"

I couldnt understand why it is behaving in reversed manner.

Can anyone explain me what is happening.

Re: Strange problem in Hashfile caching

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 3:03 am
by sanjay
It is because u are the person who has written the job !!!!!!!!

:lol: :lol:

LNarayana wrote:I have Job J2SmsXfm which uses Hashfile as reference lookup "ORIG_SDCA.LookUpSDCA_A"

"preload file to memory" is disabled for the above hashfile.

when iam running above job, log shows

"J2SmsXfm..ORIG_SDCA.LookUpSDCA_A: Read caching enabled, cache size (999MB)"

If I change "preload file to memory" to Enabled and run, log shows

"J2SmsXfm..ORIG_SDCA.LookUpSDCA_A: Read caching disabled, file size exceeds cache size"

I couldnt understand why it is behaving in reversed manner.

Can anyone explain me what is happening.