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Error while Loading data.....

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 4:35 am
by MaheshKumar Sugunaraj
Hi All,

I have got a huge set of legacy data on a DVD for one of the legacy system and I need to FTP the data on to the UNIX box,

1. When FTPing the data I get a problem when I FTP it in ASCII mode but no issues when I FTP the data in BINARY mode.

I checked both the cases and both have a Carriage return character (^M)

2. then inorder to remove the control character ,I used EREPLACE(data,char(13),'') then I found that there were " added so I used a EREPLACE to remove the quotes and also spaces.

3. Then When I run the Job the runs and is aborted i get the folowing error,nls_read_delimited() - row 375630, too many columns in record

4. when I do a count against the source file, the count seems to be equal.

Please let me know what needs to be done.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks & Regards

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 5:58 am
by vmcburney
Have a look at the dos2unix and unix2dos commands (man dos2unix on your Unix command line), this may clear up your ^M problem. Also review and play with your sequential file settings, there is the "Line Termination" setting which you can switch between "dos style" and "unix style", on the format tab you can set " as the quote character which might clear up the extra quotes.

Sometimes you get double quotes on some fields, ""bob"", when the data has been through a couple remote extractions.

You really want to move away from those ereplace commands as they will remove characters that you sometimes want to keep.