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XML Transformaer creating Multiple files

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 2:50 pm
by rkumar28

I have a situation...I have One Input XML source file and am generating another XML file in a desired format as an output using stylesheet. I am using the XML transformer to read the input.xml and produce the output.xml.
The job runs fine and am getting the desired output data in my output.xml file. But the XML transformer is generating multiple output.xml files(something like output1.xml,output2.xml.....output6.xml......). I just want to create one output.xml file.

I tried doing the same thing...using the XML Input stage...but get quite a few error like:
XMLTest3..XML_Input_0: XSLT Processor: Unknown element on the output. Element Name = "NAME OF THE ELEMENT form xml comes here"

Can you please advice me in resolving this situation.


Re: XML Transformaer creating Multiple files

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 8:45 am
by rkumar28
HI Guys...Any Input on this one....


Re: XML Transformaer creating Multiple files

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 3:05 pm
by dsnovice
rkumar28 wrote:HI Guys...Any Input on this one....

Raj, were you able to resolve this error, as I am also getting the same error. please any clues or advise on this will be of great help.

Thank you,


Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 5:27 pm
by vmcburney
This usually happens when you set the "Output mode" to "Single row" on the Transformation Settings tab of the output stage. To quote the help file "Single row. Select to generate one XML document per input row."

If you switch to "Aggregate all rows" you get one XML document for all input rows.