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During Deletion of the Job

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 8:24 am
by MaheshKumar Sugunaraj
Hi All,

I am trying to Delete a job which I have created and I am getting the following error message:-

Message : Cannot get exclusive access to log for job <jobname>

Could anyone let me know what's the issue about,This is the first time I am getting this error.

I have checked by releaseing the job through the Director and also cleared the Status file of the Job,inspite of which I am getting this message.

I am able to Complie the job and run the job but I am not able to delete the Job.

If anybody could let me know what else needs to be done or how to go about deleting this would be of great help.

Thanks & Regards

Re: During Deletion of the Job

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 8:49 am
by chulett
MaheshKumar Sugunaraj wrote:Message : Cannot get exclusive access to log for job <jobname>
Usually, the rest of this message is something like: "job may be being monitored". Is there any chance someone has a monitor window open for this job?

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 9:26 am
by denzilsyb
I thought 5 and up would have this fixed.

In 4.3.2 we actually had to copy the job as another version of the job and use the newer version until one day the original job was free to delete (we couldnt bring down the server).

i hope this isnt the case.

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 10:00 am
by ogmios
denzilsyb wrote:I thought 5 and up would have this fixed.

In 4.3.2 we actually had to copy the job as another version of the job and use the newer version until one day the original job was free to delete (we couldnt bring down the server).

i hope this isnt the case.
:shock: as a test:
1) have everyone logout of datastage (from manager, director, ...) and kill -15 the remaining ds_apislave processes on the UNIX server: ps -ef | grep slave

2) check for any running phantoms in which your job name appears: ps -ef | grep phantom. And kill them.

3) use a combination of list_readu and "select * from ds_job where jobno = 'number'" from a uv session to find the offending locks


My hunch is that the job is still locked somewhere, but because the lock is on job number you always look over it.

Re: During Deletion of the Job

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 5:15 pm
by jseclen

This message

Message : Cannot get exclusive access to log for job <jobname>

happend when the job was created using a different user, and you try to delete using other user that dont have permission..

Check your permissions in the directory.

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 9:40 am
by MaheshKumar Sugunaraj
Hi All,

Thanks for your responses, The problem was resolved and wanted to share the same with you'll,

1. I have check for the Monitor window and everything is closed.There was no one except me working on the Job.

2. I check in the Director for the Process ID and nothing was allocated so I checked in UNIX for the process and tried to Kill it but there was'nt any.

3. Then I checked with a senior person and he told me to use list_readu and I checked,so this had a PID allocated to the RTLOG file and Killed the process. :)

Thanks again,

Have a great day.
