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XML-- Getting two rows per one XML row

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 10:28 am
by rkumar28
I am trying to load an XML Document to a flat file through a XML input Stage. I am able to load data into the flat file that is pipe delimited. But I am getting two rows of data in my flat file for every one row in XML document. Below is my single XML row.
Hence since xml below have two <perm> tag it generated two rows for each tags. Hence total of 4 rows out of this one xml row.

I will really appreciate any help in this regards.


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<batch recordCount="100" source="YESMAIL" createDate="2004-10-23 11:44:05">
<email transDate="2004-10-23" delv="Y">
<perm name="permmkt" value="Y" date="2004-10-23/>
<perm name="ebill" value="Y" date="2004-10-23"/>