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MQ Series

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 7:46 am
by JDionne
For the MQ plugin to work do I need the MQ Series Client installed on the server?

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 8:27 am
by tonystark622
When I looked into this for version 6, you had to have to have an MQ Server running on the DataStage server. The MQ client wasn't enough. Can anyone from Ascential comment on this? Has this changed?

We didn't want to incur the cost for MQ Server licensing on the DataStage server because of cost, so one of the developers on our team wrote a JAVA program using the MQ Client libraries to read a flat file and enqueue each row onto our Queue. We invoke this JAVA program from a shell script, which in turn gets invoked from a DataStage Job Sequencer job.

Tony Stark

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 8:32 am
by JDionne
tonystark622 wrote:When I looked into this for version 6, you had to have to have an MQ Server running on the DataStage server. The MQ client wasn't enough. Can anyone from Ascential comment on this? Has this changed?

Tony Stark
Wooooo doggie. That cant be. I dont want to host the que i just want to read from one!!

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 8:56 am
by tonystark622
You didn't have to host the queue on the DataStage server. The queue could be on another MQ server, and the server on your DataStage server would treat it as a remote queue. But we still would have had pay for licenses for both servers.


Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 8:58 am
by JDionne
tonystark622 wrote:You didn't have to host the queue on the DataStage server. The queue could be on another MQ server, and the server on your DataStage server would treat it as a remote queue. But we still would have had pay for licenses for both servers.

I just cant beleve that this is the only way. The only error that I am getting is that it is missing a mq.dll. I just dont see how DS would require the entire MQ server

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 9:03 am
by tonystark622
just cant beleve that this is the only way.
I found it hard to believe, as well. And it may have changed on v7 or v7.1.0. As of version 6, the MQ stage was "bound" to the server libraries, not the client libraries. Or so I was told by Ascential.
The only error that I am getting is that it is missing a mq.dll.
Can you find the DLL it's missing? If so, maybe you can modify the path or shared library path (or whatever the right one is for windows) in the DSENV file.

Good Luck,

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 9:45 am
by JDionne
tonystark622 wrote:When I looked into this for version 6, you had to have to have an MQ Server running on the DataStage server. The MQ client wasn't enough. Can anyone from Ascential comment on this? Has this changed?

We didn't want to incur the cost for MQ Server licensing on the DataStage server because of cost, so one of the developers on our team wrote a JAVA program using the MQ Client libraries to read a flat file and enqueue each row onto our Queue. We invoke this JAVA program from a shell script, which in turn gets invoked from a DataStage Job Sequencer job.

Tony Stark

hehehehe and ill pull the time to do that out of thin air
man u would think that someone at DS would have thought this out....but maybe they did. How do you check kick backs in a company like DS?

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 9:49 am
by tonystark622
ok so i cant get around this, so give me some pointers. When i get the MQ software what special settings in the server do i need to set to get this to work right.
I can't help you on this because we abandoned the MQ stage.


Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 9:51 am
by tonystark622
hehehehe and ill pull the time to do that out of thin air
man u would think that someone at DS would have thought this out....but maybe they did. How do you check kick backs in a company like DS?
To their credit, Ascential did mention that we should put in official request for this functionality (that we can use MQ Client only libraries) and if they had enough requests they would see about implementing this.

So, How do we put in an official request?


Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 9:55 am
by JDionne
tonystark622 wrote:
hehehehe and ill pull the time to do that out of thin air
man u would think that someone at DS would have thought this out....but maybe they did. How do you check kick backs in a company like DS?
To their credit, Ascential did mention that we should put in official request for this functionality (that we can use MQ Client only libraries) and if they had enough requests they would see about implementing this.

So, How do we put in an official request?

Ill second that request

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 10:52 am
by trobinson
I would seek some guidance from Ascential on the future of MQ in DataStage. My feeling is that RTI will be the preferred method and this stage will be left to it's own devices.
My opinion would be that this stage began life as a neato idea from the "two-drink" minimum boys over in Marketing and originally coded as such. We are using it in a production system but it was a long hard pull to get it up to snuff. It works great now.
Using this stage may involve a radical paradigm shift from the normal BATCH processing so dearly loved by the Guys Of DataStage who inhabit this site. If real-time is your aim, then consider the concepts of transactions, restartability and recovery. There is no such thing as a transaction when using this stage so you must build it yourself. Recoverability and restartability are simple as long as you don't do a destructive read.

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 11:17 am
by tonystark622
That's true. I had forgotten the RTI stuff. I wonder if there are any restrictions (like server must be installed on DataStage server) with that? Of course, there is a charge for RTI and none for MQ.

Like I said, we worked around it by writing our transactions to an XML file and then running an external JAVA program to read this file and enqueue each row to the MQ Queue.


Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 11:25 am
by JDionne
tonystark622 wrote:That's true. I had forgotten the RTI stuff. I wonder if there are any restrictions (like server must be installed on DataStage server) with that? Of course, there is a charge for RTI and none for MQ.

Like I said, we worked around it by writing our transactions to an XML file and then running an external JAVA program to read this file and enqueue each row to the MQ Queue.

I have no Idea what RTI is. can u clue me in?

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 12:16 pm
by tonystark622
With version 7 Ascential added "Real Time Integration" capabilities to DataStage. You can have automatic load balancing between DataStage servers, jobs that can be called as web services (always running), jobs that access Web Services as a data source/target, you can access job status/job control functions through web services, you can read/write data to JMS (JAVA Message queue), JAVA Beans, and another "binding" that I can't remember. Somewhere in there is the ability to read/write Websphere MQ Queues, I think.

Lots of cool stuff. There's more info on the Ascential web site, though, I can't point you at it.

Hope this helps,

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 12:18 pm
by JDionne
tonystark622 wrote:With version 7 Ascential added "Real Time Integration" capabilities to DataStage. You can have automatic load balancing between DataStage servers, jobs that can be called as web services (always running), jobs that access Web Services as a data source/target, you can access job status/job control functions through web services, you can read/write data to JMS (JAVA Message queue), JAVA Beans, and another "binding" that I can't remember. Somewhere in there is the ability to read/write Websphere MQ Queues, I think.

Lots of cool stuff. There's more info on the Ascential web site, though, I can't point you at it.

Hope this helps,
Would there be a pdf on ths in the install documents?