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Problem with view data of a fixed width fileset

Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 7:54 am
by sandy
Hi Gurus,

I am facing problems while viewing data from a fileset when I set the format as Fixed-width records on the Fileset stage. The meta data definition for the file contains fields with datatype BigInt, SmallInt, Integer and Char. There are no VarChar fields. I have also specified the Record length property of the fileset stage = sum of lengths of the columns.
(with BigInt = 20, SmallInt = 6 and Integer = 11)

When I perform View Data on the Fileset, all the columns are messed up.
It could be reasoned that I may have specified the wrong lengths for the fields, but that is not the case. I have opened the file in notepad and made sure that the lengths are correct.

What may be the reason for this situation? Am I missing out on something? Any help/suggestions are welcome.

Thanks for your time,

Posted: Sun May 23, 2004 10:16 am
by roy
I know you are on PX (enteprise edition), though I'm not using it nor do I have one available to check it, here is what I know from DS server (maybe it'll help): sequential files with fixed length uses the display metadata definition rather then the usual length and percision in delimited files.