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Out parameters in DataStage

Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 7:20 am
by Anand K
Hi All..

I have a procedure which has 2 in parameters and 4 out parameters.
These 4 out parameters are neither inserted in a table nor captured in a file.
Please suggest me a method by which the 4 out parameters in the stored procedure (source) can be captured in a table or file.
It will be of great help if I could know this can be done through ORAOCI8 Stage itself..
Thnx in advance

Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 7:28 am
by chulett
I really don't believe that DataStage supports out parameters in a Stored Procedure. Perhaps in the future when the much delayed Stored Procedure Stage makes its debut, but not now.

Search the forum for 'stored procedure', I seem to recall several prior conversations on this topic... but don't recall any resolution other than rebuilding the functionality of the proc directly into a DS job. :?

Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 7:40 am
by roy
Craig is right.
If you insist on having the logic in a Stored Procedure the only thing close to getting what you want will be to invoke the SP in a before sql statement in a plugin stage, have the SP build or populate a table, use the output link to get the data and in an after sql statement issue a dorp table or another SP that will cleanup the temp data you put in the first SP.


input the rows you want to a table (temp in nature not real temp table) run in a after sql the SP to populate another table with the results and then read the data in an output link.

(you get the general idea I hope)

I for one prefer rewriting the logic in ds when possible.