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Row getting rejected

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 11:14 am
by iamrajy
In one of the Job I am reading from database and then in the trasformer I have couple of Hash file join and eventually the data is going in database.

We have script which call this job and other jobs. So when we run that script this job is rejecting some rows due to primary key voilation ( Loading through SQl loader )

But when I ran this job seperately (From designer using debugger) all the rows are getting load successfully without any constraints voilation ( I haven't refreshed the hash table and no modification made on database ). I have seen in source table all the key is unique so it should never voilate the key at target table.

My question is why the rows are getting rejected when we are calling it from script and when we run stand alone it load all the rows.

In this script the job which has problem is last one to be called. Before we run we refresh all the hash tables.

Does somebody know why it is happening.

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 11:44 am
by Hong-ching Tang
When you call it from script, did you provide the correct DataStage Project name? Because if the project name is wrong, the hash file that you join to and look up to will be all empty, that may cause the rejects.

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 12:44 pm
by iamrajy
Yeah I am specifing the right project name.