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Loading into Tandem

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2004 3:45 am
by thamark
Hi Everybody,

Please help me out on the bellow questions.

1) Is it posible to load data from Flat file to Tandem Database using DataStage?

2) If yes to the above how can we do this? Please give me some detail of that.

3) If we can load using DataStage approximately Please give some performance statistics you experienced?

Thanks & Regards

Re: Loading into Tandem

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2004 10:00 am
by ogmios
1) Check your DataStage documentation, it contains per version all supported databases. For Tandem, I've never seen it referred to as of version 4.x. You could try it if find an ODBC client for Tandem that you can install on your DataStage server. But I highly doubt it's possible. To be sure, check with your support contact.

2) No as of answer 1

3) No as of answer 1


Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 6:20 pm
by kmk143
Actually tandem platform supports three versions of databases.
1. Enscribe: This is a file based database and we have an OSS/TACL interface to insert/extract data from the enscribe files.
2. NSK SQL/MP: This is an improvised version of Enscribe database with SQL interface. Here we can use odbc to access the database.
3. NSK SQL/MX: this is the latest offering with MX "table" structures. this is ANSI-92 SQL database (RDBMS). It has ODBC and JDBC interfaces.

I have tried ODBC on MP and MX, performance was not upto the mark.
The best performance was seen when flat files were loaded using dataloader tool.Thus first we create flat files and ftp them onto tandem platform. then use dataloader tool to load the data into the tables.
