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INFORMIX connection error....

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 6:58 am
by MaheshKumar Sugunaraj
Hi All,

I have just strated using the INFORMIX database,I am working on DS 7.1 ,

I am facing a problem with creatinga Table on the INFORMIX db,

I have Flat File which needs to be ported into the INFORMIX Db where I need to create the table,I am using the INFORMIX CLI Stage ,I have created the INFORMIX db Connection in the .odbc.ini file,I have also checked that the DBA has granted the permissions on the db.

When I run the Job it a success but the table has not been created nor the data has been inserted but the Job is a success, when I checked the Log I have the following errors

"TestSamp..Transformer_0: C Stage PlugIn function "Put" required"

Please let me know what needs to be done.

Many Thanks

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 9:39 am
by roy
Hi & welcome aboard :),
1 thing eludes me in your post!
you say you configured via the .odbc.ini file a connection, on the other hand you use an IFX CLI stage ???
AFAIK, Not likely my friend !
if you configured the obdc driver interface you can use the odbc stage not the CLI, which need an Informix client installation.
Don't forget to also update your odbc.config files with the name of your DSN which you put in the .odbc.ini file :)


Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 2:08 am
by MaheshKumar Sugunaraj
Hi Roy,

Thanks for your response. I have configured the .ODBC.INI file for the INFORMIX set up that is Data Direct 4.2 and not Wired Protocol Data Direct. After creating teh connection I have tested the connection and configured the same in uvodbc.config file.

I donot have the INFORMIX Client installed.

When I use the INFORMIX CLI stage to create the table and insert the data,Though the Job is finished, I get the following error

TestInfmxSamp..Transformer_0: C Stage PlugIn function "Put" required

Please let me kno what else needs to be configured.

Any replies would be highly appreciated.

Cheers & Regards

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 8:16 am
by roy
Ok, check with your support if the configuration you mentioned should work or not and if it is missing something.
when I used this last time on windows we installed the IFX client sdk configured the setnet32 and all the apropriate client configuration and defined a system dsn and after all that was done we used the IFXCLI stage and it worked.
I never used the IFXCLI with no IFX client installed,IMHO the IFXCLI stage requires a IFX client installation, but I might be mistaken, so again ask your support.

Good Luck,