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Accessing files on Novell server through Datastage on Win 2k

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 8:14 am
by wdudek
I have a job that uses an odbc connection which links to a visual fox pro file residing on a novell server, ver intranetware 4.1.1 service pack 9. When I run the job myself it runs fine. However when the scheduler runs the job it fails with the message
all to SQLConnect failed.
[DataStage][SQL Client][ODBC][Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]Cannot open file g:\dbases\vfp\asset
I remember having a previous problem copying files off of one of our other windows servers that was similiar where it would run from Director when I explicitly ran the job, but fail otherwise. I have tried changing the Log on for the Datastage Engine Resource, under services to other log ons, which in theory would have access to novell, but this fails. As a note the Novell client is installed on the server. Is there a differnt service that I should be changing the logon for? Is there a way to change who the job is scheduled as? Is there any reasonable way for me to do this or should I just give up, move to San Diego and live under a palm tree as a homeless person?

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 8:18 am
by kcbland
Under Administrator you can set the userid that scheduled jobs run under. Have you configured this? If manually running the job from Director, it runs as you, if running from the schedule, it runs as the person who scheduled it. If the person who scheduled the job does not have access to all resources/servers....

You configure this from the Administrator client.

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 8:36 am
by roy
I have seen situations where the run as option Ken mentioned doesn't work on windows servers.
you need to check as Ken said under what user ID it tries to run and change it.
also sometimes the fact that the services run as the localmachine and not a real user may cause things like what you have so try changing that to a real user (dsadm perhaps + make sure the user has privilages to perform the operation).


Re: Accessing files on Novell server through Datastage on Wi

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 9:42 am
by shawn_ramsey
Have you tried referencing the file using UNC (\\server\share\folder\...) instead of the G:\? I suspect that it is a drive mapping issue or a Novell rights issue with the account that the scheduler runs under. We are doing something similar with an Access database but we have a script that copies the Access database to the DataStage server machine before we process it.

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 11:40 am
by wdudek
Thanks, Setting the user in adminstrator did it, the service was already running as a user instead of local machine so I don't know if I would have needed to change this as well.