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Strange Connect Errors

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 11:25 am
by afreas
Anyone have any ideas on this error? We are running on AIX with UDB EEE reading from a mainframe. Just get these errors everyonce in a while and can't seem to track them down. Anyone have any thoughts? thanks much.


pxLdPCWXLDBS on SERVER100, project cdw_prod

stpPCWXLDBS,8: Terminate Point Reached, Successfuly COMMITED at [4313088] Records.

stpPCWXLDBS,7: Caught unknown exception from runLocally()

stpPCWXLDBS,7: Operator signalled one or more errors

stpPCWXLDBS,7: Input 0 consumed 202753 records

stpPCWXLDBS,7: SPCallUtil::endTransaction() - Not Connected

stpPCWXLDBS,7: Operator terminated abnormally: runLocally did not return APT_StatusOk

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 9:04 am
by afreas
Still working on this one. Has anybody seen this before?