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Unable to attach to Manager, Designer, etc...

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 1:24 pm
by ferreirahe
Hi all,

I have installed DS 7.1 in a Windows 2003 Server.

With my domain user (xx\userid1) I'm able to launch the administrator but I cannot attach to a project. We have added a local group and then added the domain users (xx\userid1, etc...) to the group. Following that we assigned the DataStage Developer Role to the group.
We also enabled local logon access to the group (Windows Install Issues on DS Upgrade Guide, page 161) local group.
We also added a temp directory to TMPDIR environment variable in Administrator (same guide, same page) and gave access to the domain users that are using DataStage (DataStage Developer Role).

We restarted DS Services and still we get the following message in two steps (when trying to attach to the projects listed in Administrator and with the domain users belonging to that group with Manager, Designer, etc):

DSR.ADMIN: Failed to add user to UV_USERS file


ACCESSED DENIED: Internal SQL error.
Failed to register this user for SQL.

What did we do wrong?

Must we add local users to the server?
In their present production servers they have two situations. In one server they can access only using the omit option and on the other they can also access using their cp\userid domain user (this one is a domain user, not a local one...).

Isn't this strange?

Anyone available for help that came across this problem? :roll: :?

Thanks a lot :wink: ,

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 1:13 am
by roy
All I can think of right now:
Did you try it with dsadm user?
(is there a dsadm user?)
does the directories/folder of the project have previlages for the users/groups you try to attach to a project with?

it sounds like some privilages issue.

I would ask myself also:
what was the user you built the project with?
in what way is it different then the users you try to open designers with?


Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 11:21 am
by ferreirahe
Thanks Roy,

The problem had to do with a missing DS group with access to the DataStage folder. Windows 2003 Server special requirements... :wink: ...

