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Installation of DS 5.2 and DS 7. on the same Unix server ?

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 2:30 pm
by ucf007
Hi guys

is it possible to install DS 5.2 and DS 7. on the same Unix server ?


Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 10:31 pm
by kcbland
Yes. Only release 7 has the ability to do so. You can co-exist them, but you run into an issue with the client piece. Check the cd regarding a utility to "switch" you between clients.

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 11:10 pm
by chulett
Are you sure about that, Ken? The server part, that is? While you certainly can install two copies of the Client now (and switch between them) as long as one of them is Version 7.x, I'm not all that sure about the Server side.

Perhaps if the older one is pre-code split and still using uvhome and uvrpcd for example, I could see that co-existing with the "ds" versions... but it just seems painful and possibly hard to manage. Is 5.2 still using the Universe engine? Heck if I can remember anymore. :?

Curious why you'd want to try this? For testing out your upgrade? Better way is to snag another server, install 5.2 and your projects on it and then upgrade it to 7 and test the beejeebers out if it. Once you know the issues you'll have, if any, then do the "real" upgrade. If at all possible, that is.

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 11:53 pm
by kcbland
chulett wrote:Are you sure about that, Ken? The server part, that is?
Hey man, didn't you see the slideshow on the release? Apparently, because 5.x is still sooo much Universe that release 7.x is almost a pure DSEngine. They even changed the port number being used, as well as the shared memory segment identifier. Anyway, I'm prettttty sure, and will actually being trying one in a few months. I'm hoping to be able to do it.

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 12:33 am
by ray.wurlod
I think you can.

DataStage 7.0 does not use /.dshome but uses the environment variable DSHOME instead, to determine the location of the DSEngine directory on UNIX systems. Which is kinda tough if it's not set in your .profile and you have to find it!

On 5.2 shared memory keys have the form 0xdaec9611 (for instance), while on 7.0 they have the form 0xadec7011 (for instance).

Processes such as the deadlock daemon (dsdlockd) and the DataStage RPC daemon (dsprcd) are started with a fully qualified pathname, so that won't be an issue. DataStage 5.2 the dsrpcd listens on port number 31438, while on DataStage 7.0 the dsrpcd listens on port number 31538.